Psalm 34:17 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.”

Our Mission
People caring for other people.

Let the Mountains Move Ministries is a ministry with many missions. Each mission is centered around trusting the Lord.

Our heart’s desire is to be an encouragement to women and their families to hold on to the Lord through life’s storms! We all have them! At different times in our lives, we will experience a time of need. It is part of our growth.

The pandemic swooped in and turned our lives upside down! What was smooth became rugged…overnight! The first…became last and the last became first! We all were faced with a different world…AND IT HAPPENED OVERNIGHT. Families went through unbelievable scenarios of losing family members to a virus that raged on. Others lost their means of support, and suddenly we all were being quarantined from our normal lives. Just as the mist begins to rise, and like a morning dawns…we are becoming stronger because of it! Our priorities have become clearer and we came closer to the Lord!

It will always be about people…loving and caring for other people.

In 1Corinthians 13:13 the Lord clearly tells us…And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Over this period of time, each one of us has gained a new sense of what is important…in our lives.

Through the pandemic storm, it became a time for a re-evaluation of the mission of Let the Mountains Move Ministries.

One thing we are certain of…our mission will always be:

  1. To serve the Lord in all we do;
  2. To encourage all women and their families to hold on through life’s storms;
  3. To inspire women to be their best, to reach for their dreams and to make it a personal commitment to reach back to raise up another sister.

2019-2020 has been something no one could have ever imagined to occur, but it did…and we are getting through it! We weren’t left there! Praise God!

This is a new year…a new time! A time of rising up…better and stronger! Rising up to be who we were created to be!

Stay close! The Lord is moving mountains here! It’s all a part of the Lord’s plan for His people!

Rosie Perez
President / Founder